Stories Of Josh
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Golfing with Trash Cans

Golfing with Trash Cans - a Ben memory


Matt, Josh, and I were golfing in Evergreen on a summer afternoon.  If you have played golf at Evergreen you might remember that they have these small wire trashcans at every tee box.  Well Josh was teeing off and he took one if his big swings and let loose a thunderous shot.  The reason it was a thunderous shot is that his ball hit one of those small wire trash cans that was sitting about 15 yards ahead of the tee box.  His ball was redirected almost directly vertical.  I say almost vertical because as it was chasing after the sun it was also moving back towards us.  It continued passed us and finally settled down a solid 20 yards behind us.

Matt and I were almost in tears laughing and Josh was quite dumbfounded.  This was during the time that he was still figuring out the game of golf and had yet to fully commit himself to the sport.  He shrugged a little and gave me the "that can't be fucking possible" look.  So he walked over to his ball that was still laying on the tee box and set up for another shot.  We told him he could re-tee his ball but Josh had made up his mind that if he was going to play golf he was going to play it by the rules.

So he lined up his shot and without changing clubs he swung again.  This time the ball carried passed that trash can and out into the fairway.  That put a big smile on his face and Matt and I gave him some high-fives.  We checked the trash can; it might have momentarily dented Josh’s ego but he physically dented it…..point Josh.

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