Stories Of Josh
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Celebration Gone Awry

A great story from Micah - that explains a petty theft ticket that was a surprise to Josh's parents.  Happened after the spring semester at Colorado School of Mines.

In our fourth year of college, Josh, Tyler (T), Eric (Bubba), and I decided to go downtown for a night out.  We ended up at a place that had a main level bar and an upstairs patio.  As we entered the bar we realized that nobody (I mean nobody) was downstairs, so we headed up to the balcony.


Unfortunately, I had just had knee surgery so I was more along for the ride; little did I know I was about to observe the big man in full force.  We had been on the patio talking and having a couple cocktails when I had noticed that T and Josh had been missing for quite sometime.  A few moments later I see T, from across the patio, at a full sprint with a bouncer hot on his heels.  Pretty soon Josh comes running my way and throws a bottle of booze and a six pack of RedBull in a planter behind me.  Josh quickly engages in conversation with a couple girls at the adjacent table, and not 10 seconds later the same bouncer, on the wild goose chase with T, is standing at our table asking if I have “seen a kid in a white t-shirt or a big guy with a beard carrying a bottle of booze and RedBull around?”  Before I could answer Josh turns around, straight face, and says “Sure did, they just ran by that way.”  Either this bouncer was as dumb as he looked or he decided his odds were better with the “kid in the white t-shirt”, because he took off in the direction Josh pointed.


Low and behold I find out that “since no one was down stairs” my comrades decided to treat themselves to some free drinks from behind the main level bar.  Josh had apparently held T’s feet while he lay across the bar and plucked a few bottles. 


Within a few minutes T showed back up with a “bad news” look on his face.  He explained that there were two cops downstairs waiting at the only exit.  Well, of course, Josh could not tolerate letting good booze go to waste, so he decided if he was getting in trouble for taking the liquor, he might as well enjoy it.  Josh insisted we stay, drink the bottle, and try to leave when the crowds were leaving.  The plan worked right up to the leaving part.  As we approached the exit two cops and three bouncers converged on the big man and the kid in the white shirt. 


T and Josh insisted they had “not even been downstairs” and that they had not stole anything from behind the bar.  Josh, knowing that I had taken the bottle and thrown it away in the bathroom, was adamant that they prove he stole the liquor.  Well, about that time I noticed the manager laughing and stating “you boys think we are pretty dumb, don’t ya?”  After a long pause he requested we go into the back room, as he had something he wanted to show us. 


Well, wouldn’t know he has video of a big guy with a beard dangling a kid with a white Billabong t-shirt over the bar fishing for goodies.  I remember looking at Josh and with a big grin he says “By-god!  That is me.”


Nancie and Verlyn, this is where the Petty Theft Ticket was originated.  



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