Stories Of Josh
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High School Fun

from Micah.....

It was the end of our junior fall semester and Josh and I had just found out our high school football coach was not going to be at our high school for our senior year.  As most of you know football was very important to Josh, however when the boss man is no longer in charge and the new boss was currently living in another zip code… opens the door to rather mischievous behavior.


We had decided that for the spring semester it was very important to get in as many of the same classes as we could.  More importantly, we needed to have the same “off blocks”, i.e. more time to raise as much hell as we possibly could.  Well, as luck would have it we had nearly identical schedules, aside from Josh’s art class, which is an entirely different story.


As winter broke into spring we were having way too much fun, and as the spring days turned into summer the two of us become more daring with our “fun”.  We had decided that we would spruce things up a bit and enjoy a little Gatorade Propel in a morning English class. 


Now, let me tell you this was a very small class (maybe 10-12 students), and as most of you know both Josh and I were rather quiet.  Well, it took nearly 20 minutes before we got the nerve to open up and take a refreshing drink of our Gatorade, and when we did, to our surprise the built up carbonation made a rather loud “psss-ing” noise.  Luckily, the noises generated little disruption.  As the classroom discussed a book, that I am not sure Josh or I fully read, we continued enjoying our Gatorade.  At some point the “psss-ing” noises began to make Josh and I get the giggles.  You know Josh’s big Santa Claus laugh when he is trying not to, but his whole body is laughing……yeah one of those.  The giggling did get the attention of the teacher and after few dirty looks we decided it would be wise to behave for the remainder of the class. 


It had to be within five minutes of the bell, and Josh raised his hand.  I was honestly dumbfounded by this action…..”What in the hell is he doing??????….is he really going to put his two cents in about this book, now???…..oh shit, maybe I should bale before he gets us both in trouble”…….  Then the teacher turned and saw Josh’s hand up, her eyes lit up and she got a big smile and excitedly asked Josh to share his opinion.  This particular teacher, as most all teachers we had was very fond of Josh, and you could tell she was so very excited that he was going to share with the group.  Then, the big guy says “Can I go to the bathroom?”  You could have heard a pin drop.  The teacher glanced at the clock and with a baffled look and a deflated tone said “um…..sure.  I guess.”


Needless to say, we did not get in trouble for drinking Gatorade in class.


Pssst……here’s to you Big Fella, and Mike’s Hard!


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