Stories Of Josh
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This website is dedicated to a great man, Joshua Linville-Engler.

This is a place where we can share memories of our friend, our brother, our son, our grandson, our nephew, our cousin, our teammate, our co-worker, and our partner in crime. It's a place where we can laugh at the times we had with the big man, and where we can cry because we miss him.

Thank You.
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Josh's Uncle David, Aunt Sandra and Cousin Claire created a wonderful tribute that helps us remember Josh...

Thanks to all of you who donated to Josh's Memorial Fund. The money was given to help purchase a new Golden High School bus. The bus helps transport various sports teams to games but it mainly serves as the Senior Seminar Bus. It takes students in this experiential learning group to the mountains for cross country skiing, through the Navajo Reservation for Southwest studies, and around Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and California for Scientific studies. Your contribution was deeply appreciated.
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